Can My TV Support 4K 120 FPS Gaming On PS5

What do I need to view PS5 content at the highest output?
Your TV can support 4K 120 FPS/120Hz output, but please be aware that content will not display at 4K 120 FPS/120Hz if one or more of the requirements below aren’t met.

1. A 4K resolution TV that can output content at 120 FPS/120Hz
Check your TV specs, manual, or manufacturer’s website to see if your TV supports this output.

To check your Sony TV’s specs

* Go to your product page on the Sony support site.
* Click on Specifications.
* Scroll down to the Picture (processing) category and check the Video Signal Support section to see if your TV supports 120Hz or 60Hz output.

Example of TV specifications for a TV with 120Hz maximum output

Example of TV specifications for a TV with 60Hz maximum output

2. A PS5 with 120Hz output enabled
Please verify if your PS5 is set to output content at 120Hz.

To enable 120Hz output on your PS5

* Go to Settings.
* Scroll down and select Screen and Video.
* Select Video Output.
* Scroll down and select Enable 120Hz Output.
* Select Automatic.

3. A TV that supports HDMI 2.1
Please verify if your TV supports HDMI 2.1 rather than the standard HDMI 2.0. HDMI 2.1 is a newer HDMI type found in some newer TVs. This technology is growing as the new industry standard and will appear in more TVs moving forward. Check your TV manual or manufacturer’s website to see if your TV supports HDMI 2.1.

To check your Sony TV’s specs

* Go to your product page on the Sony support site.
* Click on Specifications.
* Scroll down to the Connectivity category and check the Features Specified in HDMI 2.1 section.

Additionally, please use an HDMI 2.1 cable such as the one included with your PS5.

Example of a TV with HDMI 2.1

4. A game that supports 120 FPS/120 Hz
Many games produced for the PS5 output content at 60 FPS/60Hz or lower. Please visit the producer’s website to verify the game’s output.

Please check the in-game graphics configurations if the game supports 4K 120 FPS/120 Hz output. If you don’t change the in-game graphics settings, the content won’t display at 4K 120 FPS/Hz.

On Codemasters® Formula 1® 2021 game, you have the option to run your graphics in either “Quality Mode” at 60 FPS/Hz with a resolution of 2160p or “Performance mode” at 120 FPS/Hz with a resolution of 1440p.

To change the graphics mode to 4K 120 FPS/Hz

* Go to Game Optionson the game’s home screen.
* Select Settings.
* Select Graphics Settings.
* Scroll down to Graphics Priority and choose Performance mode to view content at 4K 120 FPS/Hz.

Please note that the path above may vary based on the game.