Describe A Time When You Helped Someone

“Describe a time when you helped someone” cue card will give you a brief idea about how to respond to cue card topics in the actual IELTS speaking test. Introduction, cue card evaluation, and follow-up questions are the three sections of the speaking module. An evaluator will give you 12 to 15 minutes to demonstrate your ideas and speaking skills. There are four sample responses to this topic IELTS speaking cue card is given here for your practice.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – IELTS Cue Card
To score a good band in “Describe a time when you helped someone” cue card, you must respond to three to five sub questions in order to complete the task. You have two minutes to address the provided topic. However, before it, you will have one minute to prepare.

You should say:

* Who you helped?
* How you helped them?
* Explain how this person reacted to your help?
* Explain how you feel after helping this person?

Describe a time when you helped someone – Model Answers And Follow-Up Questions
Sample answers for “Describe a time when you helped someone” IELTS cue card are given below. Moreover, there are relevant IELTS speaking cue card part 3 follow-up questions that support the presented topic.

Describe a time when you helped someone Model answer 1

We all ask for assistance at a particular time in our lives. I have also sometimes been helped, and I also serve others. Helping people makes me happy and kind, and demonstrates the attitude towards everyone else.

Who you helped?

Here, I would like to describe a circumstance in which I helped a friend with his submission. When I was in 9th std, my schoolmate Preet got hit by a car while returning from school and he was prescribed strict bed rest since he had a fracture in his two hands for 21 days. His parents were concerned that he would not be able to complete his ongoing project.

How you helped? & Explain how this person reacted to your help?

Due to their educational background in commerce, his parents were unable to complete his science project. Therefore, I began making his project in his presence, as he had a clear strategy for how the project involving the usage of kinetic energy would function. After over two weeks of cooperation, the project was eventually completed, and he was extremely pleased with my efforts. Fortunately, the project won the award for the most innovative project in the class, and both he and his parents thanked me for helping him during his difficult period.

Explain how you feel after helping this person?

By helping him, I got to see the smile on his face which brought me great joy. I was so happy that it felt like I was flying on my wings.


Initially, I had no idea that my actions in helping him would have a much further effect. I’m happy and grateful that I can help him in his important time.

Describe a time when you helped someone Model answer 2

It is a moral value to help a person in any challenging circumstance. And so now I’d like to discuss a moment where I assisted an unknown individual. I can provide a brief overview.

Who you helped? & How you helped?

I helped a classmate who was in need. His name was Ravi Patel, and he was from a lower-middle-class family. He lacks adequate funds to purchase a geometry compass. In those days, I received one hundred rupees every month as pocket money. I usually spend that amount on fast food. I decided to help him by handing him my entire pocket money. So that he could get a geometry compass.

Explain how this person reacted to your help?

I saw his face as he became delighted for the help I’ve done. Then, he purchased a geometry compass. And as he was a topper in my class, he scored full marks in his final term examination.

Explain how you feel after helping this person?

The happiness I felt at that moment was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Instead of consuming fast food, I helped a colleague, which provided me with a sense of accomplishment.


After this event, we became best friends, and he began assisting me by clearing up my doubts.

Describe a time when you helped someone Model answer 3

I am generally helpful, and I never miss an opportunity to assist my family members or even strangers. Here, I will describe a time when I helped an accident survivor.

Who you helped? & How you helped?

During the Navratri festival, I happened to be returning from the Garba grounds around 12 o’clock. On the way home, there is a 50-metre bypass. We observed an elderly man lying on his side with a tremendous amount of blood coming from his lower body. This accident occurred between a minute and two minutes ago. As he drove his scooter back from his son’s home, a car hit him and escaped. We parked on the side and approached to see if we might be of help. We quickly called an ambulance for assistance. In ten minutes, an ambulance arrived. We did not move the man because doing so could have worsened his injury, but we did ensure that he was conscious. As there was nobody nearby at the time of the collision. The doctor afterwards stated that if the man had not been operated on promptly, we would have lost him.

Explain how this person reacted to your help?

After being discharged from the hospital, the elderly guy and his family found my address and came to thank me for saving his life. Due to his extreme emotion, he hugged me and expressed gratitude.

Explain how you feel after helping this person?

Today, it is possible that the majority of our help does not go to the appropriate causes at the right times, but I’m glad I was able to assist an elderly man in regaining his life.


When I helped him, I was unaware that it would have such far-reaching results.

Describe a time when you helped someone Model answer 4

Since we are all living in a society that dates back to prehistory, we rely on the assistance of others to help us develop personally and socially. Lack of community and aid in times of crisis, natural disaster, or other adversity would have made things much more challenging.

Who you helped? & How you helped?

I encountered a pregnant mother and her 2 to 3 year-old child approximately two months ago on my way back from music class. She was holding a baby while carrying a large grocery bag. The heavy bag made it difficult for her to carry her infant. Consequently, I promptly approached her and offered to assist her by carrying the entire baggage. She was initially pretty suspicious of my sudden appearance. It is reasonable to be cautious around strangers. If I were in her position, I would do the same. Then, she determined that it was safe to hand me the bag. Therefore, she thanked me beforehand and handed me her bag, which I took to her home.

Explain how this person reacted to your help?

She offered me a cup of coffee and even encouraged me to stay for dinner when we arrived, but I gently declined because I needed to go home.

Explain how you feel after helping this person?

I was running late for home, but I was pleased that I could assist others who needed it.


Lastly, performing a selfless act makes me feel more relaxed and optimistic about things. Thus I wish that everyone will routinely help one another for our mutual prosperity.

IELTS speaking part 3 – Describe a time when you helped someone – follow-up questions
Here are some examples of possible follow-up questions the examiner may ask you in the IELTS Speaking Part 3 “Describe a time when you helped someone”

1. How do people usually help each other?

I believe it is the kindness found in the majority of human souls. We are aware that it feels nice to get help from others in times of need. Therefore, we wish to assist others in a similar way. Also, as I previously stated, it is the satisfaction we receive from helping others.

2. Do you think it’s important to help people who need help?

Certainly, it is indeed important. We do have the responsibility of doing our share in our families, workplaces, and social circles. We impact one another and participate in the surrounding environment and atmosphere. Similarly to how we expect everyone else to assist us, we should also be open to assisting others.

3. How do you feel after you have helped someone?

Although the help I provided was beyond my capabilities, I usually feel great after helping someone. If there was a sacrifice, it appears that I am happier now than when I started, and I occasionally have much more time or energy for myself. It may sound silly, but at times it seems like magic how I wind up with extra time, money, or whatever after giving something to someone else.

4. Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?

I believe it is wrong. I am aware that it is typical, yet it is a sad representation of today’s world, at least in large cities. I am aware that not everyone has grown so self-centred in recent decades, but a significant number of individuals have become totally selfish. People appear to be in such a rush to become wealthy, obtain better jobs, or enter the top schools that they barely notice others in need. Perhaps if individuals were less involved in their own worlds, they would be able to recognize the needs of others and act accordingly. I certainly hope so.

5. What is the most important way for a country to help visitors?

Perhaps the most common type of assistance required by foreigners is language help. I’ve also noticed a few losing foreigners on the streets. Foreigners often consult their maps in an attempt to locate a popular tourist place, therefore providing the information is another typical technique to assist them. This has been a great opportunity to converse with a person from another nation.

6. Do you think that countries should help other countries in need?

Yes. The US has assisted other nations, such as Thailand, Indonesia, and India, after devastating tsunamis. A few years ago, we also provided relief to the US in response to devastating hurricanes. Consider the globe to be a vast neighbourhood; if we try to do as many things as feasible for our neighbours, all will be much happier and more sociable.

7. How do people in your community help one another?

People in my community assist one another in any manner possible. Some people help by donating money, while others aid by volunteering their time.

8. How can charitable organizations help people?

In numerous ways, charitable organizations help individuals. They assist by donating money or teaching individuals skills that can help them make a living. For instance, they establish affordable sewing schools and computer training centres.

9. How can we encourage children to help others?

We may inspire children to assist others by setting a good example for them. If youngsters observe their elders assisting others, they will replicate their actions.

10. Should parents teach helping others to their children?

Yes, certainly. Parents are accountable for bringing their kids into the world, so it is their responsibility to raise them to be future responsible citizens. Parents need not take any additional measures to do this. They must simply set an example. Children will naturally follow in their parent’s footsteps. If all citizens were kind and helpful, the world would be a pleasant place to live.

11. Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?

I believe that schools should really be accountable for teaching collaboration to children. Unfortunately, the greater competition in schools is having the opposite impact, and many pupils face difficulties collaborating with others as adults.

12. How does the government try to help these people?

Investing in a firm in a particular region of the country to ensure that more jobs are produced for the local population is, in my opinion, one of the most important approaches. Providing instruction, for instance in farming, in methods that can boost productivity, is another method. Additionally, the government should ensure that provincial authorities are performing their duties effectively. The administration is attempting to eliminate political corruption.

13. Where do these non-government organizations get their money from?

Foreign organizations obtain their funding from abroad. A portion of the money comes from the government, but the majority comes from individual donors. In India, more individuals are participating in charitable work. It is relatively new, but as people’s incomes rise, there is a greater awareness of the need to assist others less fortunate.

14. What kinds of people need help in India?

I believe farmers are among the most important groups that need assistance in our society. It would be preferable if our nation’s riches and economic success were more equitably divided.

15. What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?

In the event of help from friends, we feel more obligated to repay it sooner or later, however, in the case of family, we do not feel this obligation. The fact that we take family assistance for granted is both a positive and a harmful thing.

IELTS cue card topics
Check the other IELTS cue card topics to practice

* Describe a resolution you made in the new year.
* Describe a competition you would like to take part in.
* Describe a time you got up early in the morning.
* Describe A Famous Person that You Are Interested In.
* Describe an experience you had as a member of a team.

“Describe a time when you helped someone” cue card sample answers will assist you in providing your own responses by focusing on the elements of pronunciation, fluency, and grammar.