Hard Support Making The 5 Role Work

Introduction Forumer Xyrus made an excellent suggestion for this guide, looking at how to both survive and prosper in one of the most difficult roles in the game: “hard support”. Hard Support is not a popular role among pubbers – you get hardly any farm, are usually underlevelled and are expected to be the sacrificial lamb. But you’ll notice every single pro team has one. Why? Because they’re a vital part of the team, and having a good one massively boosts your chances of winning. The funny thing is that it’s actually a very rewarding role to play. You’ve got to be able to survive and do your job when you’re at a substantial disadvantage compared to almost every other player on the map. This takes smarts and skill. It’s like completing a game on Hard when everyone else is playing it on Easy. You get to play with your head up, very little time is spent last hitting or worrying about where to farm most effectively. You have the chance to consider how the game is working out and what your team needs to be doing from a strategic viewpoint. You’re very dependent on team work to achieve anything, so will always be co-operating to get the best results. Please note, this guide is currently in draft form. I’m not 100% happy with the content and layout yet. Please post up any suggestions or feedback in the comments section below so I know what to work on next – thanks. Why do we have Hard Supports? For every fat carry, there needs to be an equally skinny support. There is so only so much farm to go around, so somebody on the team needs to be selfless and go without, so that another hero can maximise. Any truly good carry player will tell you that their success is almost always due to not only their play, but their support player(s) too. Supports create the conditions for carries to prosper. It follows that it makes sense for these less farmed heroes to buy the essential consumables and utility items that the team needs to be successful –