Local Women Of Impact Celebrated

Women and men in the community came together to show their support for local women leaders at the Women of Impact Brunch on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at The Isles Restaurant in Ocean Isle Beach.

Participants were able to purchase tickets prior to the event. Each ticket included brunch, drinks and attendance to the presentation by Dr. Mary Hemphill.

“I love looking around the room and just seeing powerhouses… seeing women powerhouses,” Women of Impact honoree and Brunswick Senior Resources Vice President of Human Services Jennifer Sherman said.

The event was hosted by the Women in Business Committee. The committee is comprised of local entrepreneurs, managers and leaders who are unified through the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce.

“This year we celebrated the dynamic women in our community,” Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Susan Freeman said. “Leaders come in many ways, from CEOs to independent consultants.”

About 150 people participated in the event, some coming from distances as far as Wilmington. Women were supporting women and multiple men were also there to voice their support for the local women of impact.

There were screens that displayed honorary impactful women who have served and continue to serve in the community. Each honoree had their own biography of who they are and how they contribute to Brunswick County.

The committee honored over a dozen women from diverse careers and backgrounds at the event.

“The Women in Business Committee wanted this year to be inclusive of the many talented women and men in our region,” Freeman said.

After eating, event goers listened to a presentation by Hemphill that left the room filled with empowerment.

Hemphill is the CEO and founder of The Limitless Lady and has served as an educator, administrator and motivational speaker.

She spoke on the power and potential that women have and the necessary tools to use it.

Although it is important to use the power and passion one holds in the community, it is just as important to reflect on oneself and surround themselves with a versatile support system, she noted.

“Just like when our [gas] light comes on [and] our car tells us we need gas — you have to stop on your journey of leadership and on your journey of making an impact and pour back into you,” she said.

Hemphill then asked the audience to reflect on the women who have impacted their individual lives and have been there to support them.

She then reminded the crowd that they, too, are impactful to other’s lives.

“Every single woman in this building has the potential to impact 20,000 lives on a daily basis,” Hemphill said.

Hemphill described a woman of impact as someone who shows up and stands in her truth.

“Women of impact not only read the room, but they move the room,” she added.

Freeman thanked the event sponsors FOCUS, Novant and Arbor Landing as well.

Next event will be the Wine, Women and Chocolate event at the Silvercoast Winery, March 8th, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Savanna Tenenoff is the staff writer at the Brunswick Beacon. Feel free to reach out with comments, questions and tips at