Play The Sopranos Slot Machine For A Piece Of Hollywood Fun

Lightening never strikes twice they say, but in the case of The Sopranos slot machine from Playtech, lightening seems to have made an exception. By utilizing real video clips from the smash television series that started chronicling the life of Tony Soprano in 2007, this slot machine brings the entertainment of quality television to online slot machines.

The Sopranos Slot Machine or Television?
Visually I’ve gotten used to being let down by slot machines based on movies and television shows. The Sopranos however, uplifts my hopes and spirits for the future. In fact playing the game isn’t much different than watching the show itself besides the fact that you’re winning money in the meantime!

With four different bonus games and a completely separate wild symbol, this is not a game built to bore.

Characters are portrayed by real pictures and special feature are filled with real clips from the series. These are elements that many Hollywood themed slots don’t even bother to attempt for some reason, but they add a great amount to fun, atmosphere, and enjoyment to the game. Background music and sound effect also add a new level to the New Jersey gangster theme.

The Sopranos Slot Machine Payout
The other main part of The Sopranos slot machine that will keep the full attention of any player is the almost absurd number of special features that you can trigger with the spin of the reels. With four of The Sopranos Slot bonus games (one of which contains multiple levels for you to climb) and a completely separate wild symbol, this is not a game built to bore.

The Crime Family Free Games bonus comes in four different modes that take many spins to unlock while the Bada Bing bonus lets you choose who gets to come in and see Tony, cause not everyone gets to talk to Tony. The stolen goods bonus lets you pick out with crate contains the most profit, and the Raid Bonus makes you hide your cash from the cops in the prayer that they’ll search in all the wrong places.