Revealed These Are 5 Reasons Why Indonesian Netizens Support Russia More Than Ukraine

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – The war between Russia with Ukraine has been in the spotlight of the world community for the past three weeks, including Indonesia.

But experts say Indonesian netizens tend to side with Russia and impressed with President Vladimir Putin.

Apparently there are various reasons why Indonesian netizens are more supportive Russia than Ukraine.

The support and alignment of Indonesian netizens towards Russia seen from the comments on social media.

This was conveyed by the study researcher Russia Airlangga University, Radityo Dharmaputra.

Radityo assessed that the public attitude that was pro-Russian was actually based on the public’s minimal understanding of Ukraine.

Read: Ukraine Become a Victim of Russian Attack” href=”/view/345665/pbb-mencatat-more-than-700-civil-included-72-children-in-ukraine-so- russia-attack-victim”>UN Records More than 700 Civilians Including 72 Children in Ukraine Become a Victim of the Russian Attack

This condition causes the public to be easily consumed by the dominant narrative from the elite and academics, who consider this issue to be a geopolitical conflict between Russia and the United States.

In an article he wrote and published by The University of Melbourne, Radhityo reveals a number of reasons why Indonesian netizens are pro-Russian.

The first is the strong anti-American and anti-Western attitudes in society.

This sentiment has emerged since the US intensified its war on terror, military campaigns to hunt down terrorists, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Not a few netizens sympathize with what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As a result, whoever opposes the US or the west, that side will be defended.

The second reason is Western double standards.

Many netizens compare the treatment from the West that is biased between Ukraine with Palestine.

The West is considered to be so fast in sending aid to Ukraine, while for Palestine it is very slow.

The third reason is the President Russia Vladimir Putin considered a hyper-masculine leader.

The Indonesian public is usually lulled by the rhetoric that leaders must be strong and firm.

Read: Ukraine Died since the Beginning of the Invasion Russia to Ukraine” href=”/view/345633/pbb-mencatat-more-than-700-citizens-in-ukraine-died-since-early-invasion-russia-ke- ukraine”>UN Registers Over 700 Civilians in Ukraine Died since the Beginning of the Invasion Russia to Ukraine

People tend to see Putin as Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

In addition, Indonesians have known the figure of Putin longer than the President Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

Then the fourth reason is the existence of religious sentiments.

With a communist past, and the many perceptions in Indonesia that communists are anti-Islam, Russia should be in the opposite position with Indonesian netizens.

However, the emergence of the narrative ‘Russia is a friend of Islam’ is now getting more and more intense on social media.

An example is a YouTube post that went viral claiming that Russia is the Romans, “the Christians allied with Islam in the end times”.

The last reason is Russia’s incessant public diplomacy.

It was stated that prior to 2013, public sentiment tended to be negative towards Russia.

However, that assumption changed since Russia disburse funds and popularize Indonesian-language sites and social media accounts.

Not only that, Russia also launched scholarships for students from Indonesia who study there.

And they also support the class Russia at a number of universities in Jakarta and Bandung.


# Vladimir Putin # Russia # Ukraine

Editor: Aprilia Saraswati
Reporter: Agung Tri Laksono
Video Production: Fatkhul Putra Perdana