Support For Ukraine UCD Current Students

30 March On 11 March the Acting President, Professor Mark Rogers wrote to the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science seeking Temporary Protection status for students from Ukraine who are registered students with UCD.

The University continues to liaise with the Department directly and through the Irish Universities Association. The University makes the point that students from Ukraine who already live and study here need to be afforded the same protection and supports as students who are fleeing Ukraine and coming to Ireland as refugees.

4 March University College Dublin stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Our focus is on supporting all students, staff and collaborators affected by the crisis and we urge any affected member of our community to get in touch so that we can provide support.

We encourage our students and staff to come together and support each other during these distressing times.

This is a summary of support and advice available to staff and students.

Support for students

Last week, when Russia attacked Ukraine, our immediate focus was to provide support for students from Ukraine. We were conscious that they would be extremely anxious for their families and friends at home and may need very personal support from us. Each student was contacted last Friday to connect them to their specific Student Adviser for individualised support and to invite them to gather in the Chaplaincy. Gatherings and additional supports are ongoing.

We have other students who have family and friends living in Ukraine. We are encouraging any of these students who need support to reach out to us.

We have also contacted students from Russia as the impact of Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine has affected them. They too have been offered support.

Students impacted by the war may have extenuating circumstances in relation to their academic studies and should contact their School or College office.

Students who are concerned about accommodation or finance should contact their student adviser.

Support for staff

We have, according to our records, 30 staff from Ukraine and Russia working here in Dublin. We have contacted all those whom we know to be from Ukraine and Russia to offer support. We have put in place counselling and practical measures to help them deal with the impact of the war on themselves personally and on their families.

Staff can contact UCD’s Employee Assistance Programme, EAS, for emotional support, and can also speak to their line manager about any other support or flexibility we might be able to provide. EAS is a 24/7 free and confidential support service operated confidentially by Spectrum Life. The service can be used by a UCD employee, their spouse, civil partner and dependents where the family member can be described as over the age of 18 and residing in the family home.

Support for scholars

As a University of Sanctuary and a partner to CARA, The Council for At-Risk Academics, we will support scholars who are forced to flee by providing a safe place to live and continue their work.

Support through donation

UCD Foundation is providing funds and will accept donations that will enable students affected by the conflict in Ukraine to continue their studies at UCD.

The UCD Students’ Union has completed a collection of goods in support of Ukraine. We understand that NGOs on the ground in Ukraine are now asking for donations rather than donation of goods. Please consider donating or raising funds.

Donate to Concern Worldwide

Donate to UNICEF

Donate to the Red Cross (Ireland)

Donate to the Red Cross (Ukraine)

Support regarding visas and travel


As an emergency measure to all Ukrainians traveling to Ireland, the Irish Government has removed visa requirements between Ukraine and Ireland. People who are considering leaving Ukraine and traveling to Ireland may for the coming period do so without a visa if they judge it safe to travel. This will streamline and support the swift exit of both the Ukrainian family members of Irish citizens, and the family members of people from Ukraine who are resident in Ireland.

For further visa information see:

The Irish Government’s Department of Justice

The Ukrainian Embassy in Dublin

For travel information: Irish Department of Foreign Affairs


There is currently no change in advisory for Russian visa holders (as March ).

For further information: Irish Department of Foreign Affairs

This information will be updated as the situation changes.